Welcome to sosmyworld.com



Advertising on our site could not be simpler
Simply contact SOSMYworld and talk to one of the team.

Our advertising criteria

To advertise on SOSMYworld your product or service must be transparent in customer value, focus and benefit.

In and Out

We only allow 'opt in' sites, again this is to remain at all times transparent to our customers, any sites wishing to advertise with hidden 'opt out' terms will not be permitted. Our aim is to offer true value to the people that use our site.

High Heels and Muddy Boots

We know that certain products and services may vary and also may be specific to female or male genders.


Please note that under no circumstances will SOSMYworld advertise any product or service that is deemed by us to discriminate against any race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or physically or mentally impaired individual or group.

Data Base

SOSMYworld does not sell, lend or share any information to any individual or company for any purpose.